
We developed a number of examples demonstrating various tools used to create interactive learning experience. Simply select the button of the area you’re interested in, and it will take you directly to that example.


Anti Money Laundering

AML demo was developed using SL360. It includes a straight forward instructional design, starting with a video introduction, text based content, with a number of interactive reveal elements and a final drag and drop knowledge check component.

Click here to view on big screen

Adobe Captivate

Bitesize sample demonstrating how to use a software program. Simple instructional approach offers a quick insight into the use and navigation for various software and processes.

Simple Quiz with Engaging Gamification

Three examples of gamified design elements, that make online learning more interactive and memorable.

Click here to view on big screen

360° Image Feature

Immersive and interactive learning experience using the new 360° image feature.

Click here to view on big screen

Learning Styles

A brief video demonstration that provides a general overview of different learning styles.

Check out this interactive course based on various learning styles.

Click here to view on big screen

“ABT” Rule of Storytelling

A short video demonstration giving a general overview of the “ABT” rule in storytelling.