About Bitnet MEDT Inc.

E-learning, Multimedia Development & Distributed Technology

Our Story


Bitnet MEDT Inc is a Canadian Federal Corporation, specializing in Instructional design development of digital and blended learning. We cover the entire life-cycle of Advanced Interactive Media development while incorporating multi language support and real time translations.

We develop & deliver online learning experiences that is offered directly through client’s learning platform or their learning management system.
This includes putting together content, crafting the overall design, and creating the learning flow.
We use various programs to achieve this – visuals, interactives, and multimedia. We add bells and whistles that enhance the content and enrich the overall learning experience that is fit for purpose. Main focus is creation of engaging and impactful learning modules that lead to an increased knowledge retention and we support that with our skillset and by using the latest available technology.

Clients & Partners

McMaster University

Ryley Learning

Swiss VBS

BTS Group


XPAN International



Working in collaboration with Swiss VBS, BTS group, TrainingFolks, XPAN International, Learning Pathways on projects for: RBC Bank of Canada, Unilever, Scotia Bank, HSBC, CPA Canada, KPMG, Sweet Green, Loblaws, GP Canada, NSF Acorn, Ernst & Young, Munich Airport, GS1 Canada, Allianz, ADAC, Siemens, Teachstone, Centennial College, St. Gallen University.

Our Team

Brigita Lajkovic

Creative Director & Lead Developer

Chandan Maddanna

IT & Cyber Security

Monica Ashwini Kumar

Media Programming & Transformation Specialist

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